Linggo, Agosto 4, 2013

Haiku Poem

  Haiku Poem

1. Moonlit shines
    light persuader the night,
    he feels fine.
 2. Rain drops face
     he falls in one's face,
     and kept falling.
  3. Create a noise
      destructing one's silence,
      that hangs around.
 4. It's a day,
    when buds spiny,
    it is spring day.
  5. When i look into your eyes
      i can read your mind,
     you love me as i love you.
 6. I dance gracefully
     he was inspired me to dance,
     his always watching.
 7. I hate the way you walk
     hate the way you talk,
     hate the way you look at me.
  8. I am happy for you
      how can i say i love you,
     when you love someone.
   9.There is a dog behind you
      keep on barking,
      he guards the house of his trainer.
 10.A house full of mystery
     no one lives in there,
     they called it house of ghosts.
 11.I wanted to fly higher
     but they pull me down,
     i never turned back to them.
 12.Wind is whispering
      a very cold afternoon,
      i'm watching sunset.
 13.Love is like a rose
     it blooms when it falls in love,
     but it end- up to death.

 14.The heat of the sun
      it burns my skin all over,
      i felt i'm in hell.

  15.I am very shy
      he stares at me everyday,
      i know he likes me.
 16. I'll never forget those days
      when i was in love,
      i'll do anything for him.
 17.Leaves down everywhere
      Different colors through the year
      Fall is almost here!
 18.Fall is leaves falling
      Eating crisp, crunchy apples
      A warm fire burning.
19.Fall is leaves falling,
    Munching on sweet red apples
    A warm fire burning.
20.Snow falling slowly
      Blanketing the trees and road
      Silence and beauty.
 21.Branches stretching out
     To grab the sunsets colors
     Night is approaching.
  22.White light shining through
       patterns along the blank wall
       brightening my day.
                                                        23.I really like toast.

                                                It is yummy when it's hot.
                                                           Cold I like it most.

                                             24.Beans are kind to hearts.

                                                    I like to eat them daily.

                                                      And then do big farts!

25.the sound of the sea
     speaking to my mother
     on her birthday

26.The wind is blowing
      It is blowing very hard
      I don't like the wind.

27.I love Winnie the Pooh
     Winnie the Pooh loves to eat honey
     Bees chase Winnie the Pooh.

28.A broken tree cut 
     Brings no shade to the weary 
     Then what good is it?

29.Gracefully slither

     He sneaks to the net untouched
     With one swing he scores.

30.The beaches waves hit
    Sounding of flooding water
    Soothes aches all over

31.Silence around us
     Our watchful eyes hear the world
     Hands do the talking

32.To be a leader,
     One must first dream then act out,
     fulfillment is yours.

33.Those who came before
                                                         shall forever be with us,

       always remembered

34.Children learn from us.
                                                     Teach them about ancestors.
     Start a Family Tree!

35.Poetry and love
                                                        will fill your heart forever,

    or rip it to shreds!

36.Haiku softly sings
                                                     and a word picture is formed.

    A feast for the mind

37.Butterflies are cool
                                                     in the big, huge, green forest.

     They fly up so high

38.A fat bee stings me,
                                                          It hurts very badly but,

     I do not cry though

39.Moths go flying by.
                                                          They are very beautiful,

     Fluttering around

40.The bee flies quickly.
                                                 It turns around and stings me.

    Then falls to the ground

41.Ladybugs are red,
                                               And have black spots on their wings.

     Experts at flying

42.Humbling the Irish 
    God's creation of whiskey 

    Preventing world rule

43.Patrick of England 

     Preserving Erin's blood line 
     Drove out the serpents

44.Fighting for freedom, 
     Fall of a valiant soldier 

     Resting in the Lord

45'My sheep hear My voice' 

    Christ did say, 'and I know them 
    and they follow Me

46.I was in that fire,
The room was dark and somber.
I sleep peacefully.

47.That alarm then rang,
The sound annoying and loud,
But it saved my life.

48.Costumes everywhere!
shrieks of laughter fill the air
Happy Halloween!

49.Sakura bloom strong
Outstretch that shimmering sight
Into the dark world

50.Brighten up the day
With memories and smile that's true
When clock stops for thee.